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6 Hidden Costs of Home Ownership

You know the saying about best-laid plans, right? Even it you think you have everything budgeted for your new home, there's always something else to consider. Here are 6 hidden costs of home ownership, so get ready!

Furniture and Decor

This is especially true if you're sizing up!

Unexpected Repairs

Disclosures and home warranties can help with this in the first year, but things may pop-up after that.

Basic Maintenance

From pest control to carpet cleaning, this can add up each year.

Yard Maintenance

If you don't already have them, you may need a mower, an edger, basic garden tools and more -or the money for a gardener.  


Check local rates for water, electricity, gas, garbage, cable and other services you use. 

Settling In

You may need to purchase things like shower curtains or cleaning supplies during the first few weeks in the home. An probably more take-out dinners than usual!
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